Karate Chop, Dorthe Nors's acclaimed story collection, is the debut book in the collaboration between Graywolf Press and A Public Space. These fifteen compact stories are meticulously observed glimpses of everyday life that expose the ominous lurking under the ordinary.


Dorthe Nors I was born in 1970 and I hold a degree in literature and art history from the University of Aarhus. I’m the author of the novels “Soul” (2001), “Stormesteren” (2003) and “Ann Lie” (2005) and in 2008 I published a collection of short stories entitled “Kantslag” ( Karate Chop ).

Publisher: Pushkin Press Pages: 82 Type: Fiction Age: Adult ISBN: 978-1-782-27432-2 First Published: 25th September 2008 in Danish; 4th February 2014 in English Date Reviewed: 16th March 2018 Rating: 4/5 Original language: Danish Original title: Kantslag (Side Stroke) Translated by: Martin Aitken In this collection of very short stories (some […] Karate Chop, Dorthe Nors's acclaimed story collection, is the debut book in the collaboration between Graywolf Press and A Public Space.These fifteen compact stories are meticulously observed glimpses of everyday life that expose the ominous lurking under the ordinary. 2014-03-09 · KARATE CHOP Stories By Dorthe Nors. Translated by Martin Aitken. A Public Space/Graywolf, paper, $14.

Dorthe nors karate chop

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Skapad av xdshot. Music is property of  canada) is the fourth book from danish author dorthe nors to appear in english translation and her second collection of short fiction to do so (after karate chop). canada) is the fourth book from danish author dorthe nors to appear in english translation and her second collection of short fiction to do so (after karate chop). Karate Chop, by Dorthe Nors (translated by Martin Aitken), is a collection of fifteen stories exploring ordinary people and situations they encounter, with incisive wit and perception. The Danish author has been shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize. This is a rebound edition of a selection of their shorter works. Karate Chop, Dorthe Nors's acclaimed story collection, is the debut book in the collaboration between Graywolf Press and A Public Space.

14 Apr 2015 Your short story collection Karate Chop and novella, Minna Needs Rehearsal Space have just been published in a single bind up volume in the 

Danish author Dorthe Nors slowly and subtly reveals how off-kilter they really are. Virtually all these characters are lonely and unloved, craving companionship, if not a lover, and they depend on their imaginations to provide the excitement which is missing from their real lives.

Dorthe nors karate chop

Read “Karate Chop”, by Dorthe Nors online on Bookmate – Beautiful, emotionally resonant and achingly contemporary stories from the Man Booker International Prize Shortlisted authorIn these glittering …

2014-03-09 · KARATE CHOP Stories By Dorthe Nors. Translated by Martin Aitken. A Public Space/Graywolf, paper, $14. Nors presents a range of voices and offbeat images in these 15 unsettling and poetic stories. Description.

Dorthe nors karate chop

Her English-language following began in 2009, when selections from her short story collection Karate Chop were published in English. Karate Chop collects fifteen short stories in less than ninety pages. These compact pieces impress especially with their voice, understated and affectless, which heightens the unease one feels confronted with these situations -- in most of them: an underlying sadness and despair, a threat of violence. Karate Chop, by Dorthe Nors (translated by Martin Aitken), is a collection of fifteen stories exploring ordinary people and situations they encounter, with incisive wit and perception.
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Karate Chop Karate Chop, Dorthe Nors’s acclaimed story collection, is the debut title in the collaboration between Graywolf Press and A Public Space. These fifteen compact stories are meticulously observed glimpses of everyday life that expose the ominous lurking under the ordinary: while his wife sleeps, a husband prowls the Internet, obsessed with female serial killers; a bureaucrat tries to reinvent himself, exposing goodness as artifice when he converts to Buddhism in search of power; a woman sits Two daringly original works from the acclaimed Danish author Dorthe Nors, published back to back in a uniquely designed edition.

Karate Chop Stories. Dorthe Nors, translated by Martin Aitken Graywolf: 112 pp., $14 paper. Advertisement. Kyle Minor’s “Praying Drunk” offers a grim, gripping view of men and women still Jetzt online bestellen!
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The 112 page book was published by Macmillan in 2014 (originally in 2008) with an ISBN 10 of 1555970850. Most books are now available in ebook, pdf and audible formats. If you need more information about this publication, it can be purchased at Amazon.com or Google Books.

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The first book in English by an acclaimed Danish writer: beautiful, faceted, haunting stories . . . [from] a rising star (Junot Díaz) Karate Chop, Dorthe Nors's 

Fifteen stories in eighty-eight pages and it’s called Karate Chop?Pictures spring to mind of sharp-edged minimalism, the jolt of the unexpected.