All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both out "gross national product" because the Italian version contained the acronym. texten stod förkortningen PNL, som just betyder bruttonationalprodukt.
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ugly adjective. Pensate sia qualcosa di doloroso, pauroso o brutto. expand_more You think it's something painful, or scary, or nasty. brutto (also: terribile, atroce, brutta, sgradevole, boia, formidabile, birbona, birbone) il lato brutto; avere un brutto effetto su; brutto muso, at muso; un brutto affare, at affare; avere un brutto male, at male; giocare un brutto scherzo, at giocare; Che (brutto / bell’) elemento!, at elemento; See all meanings 2021-03-21 · From Italian brutto. Adverb . brutto.
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brutto, difettoso, grave, scadente, dannoso. evil adjective. malvagio, scellerato, dannoso, funesto, spiacevole. poor adjective. The Italian translation of an English word or phrase can vary heavily from one region to another.
How to say brutto in Italian? What's the Italian translation of brutto? See comprehensive translation options on!
nasty [adjective] (of a wound, cut etc) serious. Pensate sia qualcosa di doloroso, pauroso o brutto. expand_more You think it's something painful, or scary, or nasty.
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Mickey is not the brute that you think. Definition of brutto in the dictionary. Meaning of brutto. What does brutto mean?
male, cattivo, difettoso, rovina, grave, scadente, dannoso. ugly adjective. il lato brutto; avere un brutto effetto su; brutto muso, at muso; un brutto affare, at affare; avere un brutto male, at male; giocare un brutto scherzo, at giocare; Che (brutto / bell’) elemento!, at elemento; See all …
Pensate sia qualcosa di doloroso, pauroso o brutto. expand_more You think it's something painful, or scary, or nasty.
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è proprio brutto! he’s really ugly!
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Information and translations of brutto in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. 2008-02-27 Italy definition: 1.
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Definition of brutto in the dictionary. Meaning of brutto. Information and translations of brutto in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
brute [noun] an animal other than man. brute [noun] a cruel person. (Translation of bruto from the PASSWORD Italian–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) 1 agg brute. forza bruta brute force o strength.