Mr. Ali Rashidi. tel: +46 018 68 00 60. e-mail: Nyckelperson i arbetslaget: Dr. Arch Arturo Campanella. tel: +46 018-68 00 00.


View our latest Moodle App video here Mobile is the official mobile app for Moodle, allowing students,

Click below to change password. Byt lösenord/Change password Lektioner via Teams deltagare. Delta på en kurs via Google Meet. Frågor och svar om distansundervisning. Info om Moodle, inloggning och registrering på kurs. Lärplattformen Moodle använder du som läser på Komvux Folkuniversitetet som ett stöd i dina studier. Lärplattformen används bland annat till kommunikation med din lärare, inlämningsuppgifter med mera.

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It also facilitates students tracking and assessment, assignment submissions and grading. Data retention summary. Get the mobile app. About is a tool that helps teachers to carry out digital online exams with their students. Teachers can easily create a new exam, or use an existing one, and give their students access to a simple and secure digital exam space with an exam key.

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Visa på karta. Kontaktuppgifter och öppettider. Kurser och utbildningar i Lund. With the Moodle Workplace app, you can learn wherever you are, whenever you want, with these app features: Access to the Learner dashboard; Easily access course content - browse the content of your courses, even when offline With Moodle 3.10 and the Moodle App 3.9.3, Moodle administrators can control which types of files will be downloaded when a learner saves a course onto their device, so non-essential material will not be downloaded, saving your learners data usage.

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