PhD programmes at EUR. From award winning scientists to PhD students, everyone at Erasmus University Rotterdam is engaged in creating new knowledge. Pursue your career in research by starting a PhD track in our multidisciplinary, international setting with social relevance in mind. Where disciplines meet, knowledge is advanced.


11 Jul 2018 Can I apply for a Doctorate scholarship through the Erasmus Mundus Joint The doctoral programmes and fellowships are available under the 

Utbytet sker på följande nivå: Kandidat, Master, PhD. Typ av avtal: Erasmus Erasmus Double, Joint, Multiple Degree (för studenter inom masterprogrammet  In 2014, Shrutika started her PhD program at UNESCO IHE - Institute for Water Education, Delft (the Netherlands), as part of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate  We offer a 4-year programme in Business and Economics (joint with the van der Heede, PhD candidate at the Department of History at Erasmus  Support programmes for PhD students who can complete research to a uniform infrastructure, will offer joint courses within the campus and externally In view of the new Erasmus+ generation, the European Commission is  Programmet som Lunds universitet medverkar i kallas Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Fetal and Perinatal Medicine. Med start 2013 kommer totalt 40  Erasmus Mundus Joint programmes Guidance for applicants 5.3.2012 EM, NM) • Ca 35 Joint Mastersprogram under utveckling (2 PhD)  Ph.D. inom geoinformatik och fjärravkänning, på Pavol Jozef Safarik University en del av studien utomlands, till exempel via ERASMUS + -programmet. inom mobilitetsutbytessystem som Erasmus +, Ceepus, SAIA, Cotutelle och andra  Rebecka Herdevall, Erasmus Mundus 2012-02-24 Erasmus Mundus forskarutbildningsprogram (EMJD) Joint Doctorates in Engineering and all the. Joint Research Projects under Scientific Responsibility: Starting 2003-2013 in a graduate school Paper and Pulp Technology (PapSat). Erasmus-Students:. The main features that are unique to this programme is the large amount 2019, 2020 : Full Partner : Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in of masterstudents as well as supervisor of master students and PhD students.

Erasmus joint phd program

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Pursue your career in research by starting a PhD track in our multidisciplinary, international setting with social relevance in mind. Where disciplines meet, knowledge is advanced. This programme makes it possible for candidates to obtain a joint PhD degree from both Erasmus University Rotterdam, through the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and the University of the Witwatersrand, through the Oliver Schreiner School of Law As for the duration of the Erasmus Scholarships 2021-2022, it will 4 years for Bachelors, and 2 years for Erasmus Master Program called Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD). The duration for PhD program will be 3 years. You will also have the option to study not only in Europe, but also in other parts of the world through Erasmus scholarships.

The programme supports high quality Masters and PhD programmes aswell as A full list of ERASMUS MUNDUS courses and information on scholarship 

Erasmus Mundus: A Joint Programme The two-year programme combines innovation, interdisciplinarity, and academic excellence with transnational and transregional academic mobility. Students take courses at two European participating universities, for one academic year each, and may choose to spend the third term at a non-European partner university instead of the European destination. The program covers three years of full-time work (180 ECTS) based on employment contracts including monthly salaries and social security rights.

Erasmus joint phd program

Ph.D. inom geoinformatik och fjärravkänning, på Pavol Jozef Safarik University en del av studien utomlands, till exempel via ERASMUS + -programmet. inom mobilitetsutbytessystem som Erasmus +, Ceepus, SAIA, Cotutelle och andra 

In Poland, public HEIs are categorised into several categories  A joint curriculum and a common research training program cumulate in a joint degree. Candidates benefit from co-supervision of at least two professors of the  19 May 2020 Prospective PhD-Students; PhD Programs Two Erasmus MUNDUS Joint Degree programs are offered by the TUK: For more Information about the Joint programs, follow the above listed links, or contact the respective . The DOC NOMADS Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in Documentary Filmmaking is a two-year, full time, international graduate program (120  30 Mar 2021 There will no longer be a specific application form per doctoral school. If we set up a joint PhD and KU Leuven acts as the Home institution, we  26 Jan 2015 We have currently open 15 PhD positions for projects linked with 15 for students accepted on the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate SEED. able to participate and follow the programme as well, but on an individual basis 9 May 2018 of Social Studies (ISS) (Erasmus University Rotterdam) PhD programme 2018 The ISS-Wits joint programme forms part of the ISS research group on Interested applicants may apply for entry into the ISS-Wits Joint Ph chances of success in the programme (possible pursuit in a PhD programme or integration in an industry research unit at the home country) – 5%; other merits – 5  20 Jul 2017 Programa que é oferecido pela Comissão Europeia e consiste em bolsas para cursos de mestrado e doutorado para estudantes de vários  7 Dec 2015 An Erasmus Mundus joint programme is a top-quality Master or Doctorate Programme offered jointly by higher education institutions from at  An Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate TEEME is an international doctoral programme in early modern studies Annual programme conferences, 2012-18.

Erasmus joint phd program

You can apply for housing in Aarhus through AU. You can apply for accommodation via Student Housing Aarhus - a municipal student housing office. You can look for accommodation at the private market. Each of these semesters is composed of a theoretical and a skills component to ensure optimal completion of the different elements of the program.
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Pursue your career in research by starting a PhD track in our multidisciplinary, international setting with social relevance in mind. Where disciplines meet, knowledge is advanced. Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Degree fellowships supplying funding for students to complete their PhD degree between two to three universities were offered until 2013 (last intake). These PhD programmes: Were joint study and research programmes carried out by consortia of European universities.

SMART aims to provide education and research at PhD level by offering a 3-year programme in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus action.
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An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions. Students at Master's level from all over the world can apply. Read more to find out if an EMJMD is for you and check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

The JJ/WBGSP will cover many of the costs that come with studying abroad and in return recipients commit to returning to their home country to contribute to its economic and social development. About the Program: The CEU Joint PhD Fellowship Scheme entails co-supervision by expert faculty members from the Department of Philosophy and Department of History, who are already engaged in ongoing research in the designated thematic area, e.g., as … IMT Atlantique is deeply involved in the Erasmus + program The institute has placed the Erasmus Charter at the heart of its international strategy and is continually developing its activities through different kinds of Erasmus actions projects, including: - Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters degrees and Phd Joint Degrees - Higher Education student and staff mobility - Cooperation for innovation and 2020-10-09 Se hela listan på Se hela listan på The doctoral programmes and fellowships are available under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, which form part of the EU's Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation, and not via Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs).

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EuroSPIN - Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Programme in Neuroinformatics of guest speakers and are very keen on integrating local PhD and postgraduate students to present their work Workshop Program (pdf 107 kB) 

The Shift2Bio logotype reflects the Bio4Energy ditto.Researchers in  The submission deadline for the Erasmus Mundus Master Courses (Action 1A) and Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Programme (Action 1B) is set for the 30  The House – a unique consortium of the three centres of excellence in Europe on Legal Psychology – offers an exceptional educational programme to PhD  Två nya masterprogram, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programmes, startar Georgiana Maries´ PhD thesis will be awarded the exceptional  Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme for higher have also been available for doctoral candidates following one of the Joint doctorates. PhD Positions in Business and Management at Erasmus Research Institute of Management In the context of the joint Ph.D. program between IÉSEG School of  I am enrolled in the 'European Graduate School of Animal Breeding and Genetics' (EGS-ABG), supported by an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral fellowship,  Programme; Career and Research; Student Blogs In the second year you must complete a master's thesis in order to graduate. The thesis  The TOR program aims to promote the cooperation between French and the ÖMSE program for PhD students under joint supervision or  Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Program; Presidentens Ansökningar lämnas in för Joint Masters och PhD Erasmus  Tomas Blomquist, PhD, Professor at Umeå School of Business, Umeå University. at the business school and Director for the Erasmus Mundus, joint Masters in  BRUSSELS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING - ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE DE of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Big Data Management and Analytics (BDMA), and the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Joint Doctorate on Data Engineering for Data  Link funding for doctoral programmes to the Principles for Innovative Doctoral The full list of Erasmus Mundus joint Master's degree courses and doctorate  Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree europubhealth, på europubhealth+ , . Få all information om Kan ni skicka mer information om det här programmet? Erasmus.