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CAD-Ray is a distribution and education company specializing in digital imaing, CAD/CAM, guided implantology, and CT technologies

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Plandent erbjuder ett omfattande utbud av CAD/CAM-lösningar för tandläkare och –laboratorier. Tack vare ett helt öppet system, går det att välja antingen en fullständigt digital arbetsflöde eller bara vissa delar enligt dina behov.

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So, having already touched the subject, we can easily find a lot of programs that have CAD-CAM capabilities. Designing the parts with such programs helps us to go back and forth, getting feedback about the possibility to produce a certain part.

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Cloud and online CAD software run in a local browser or through a web or mobile app, unlike traditional CAD software installed on a local computer. They offer many of the same capabilities as traditional CAD software but are updated through a remote server and are acquired through a subscription, usually on a monthly or annual basis.

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CADCA is a nonprofit organization that is committed to creating safe, healthy and drug-free communities globally.

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