Mitral Incompetence (medical) MI: Millennia Institute (Singapore) MI: Molar to Incisor (teeth) MI: Marine Instructor: MI: Multiple Instruction Stream: MI: Modification Instruction: MI: Metal Illumination: MI: Manufacturing Instruction: MI: Migrante International (activist group) MI: Media Immersion: MI: Mechanical Investing: MI: Michel Catalog (philatelic catalog) MI: Multi-Installation: MI
abbreviation : ABE: Advisory Board on Energy (India) Aberd: Aberdeen or Aberdonensis (Latin)
MIL is defined as Military very frequently. Medical Abbreviations Examples Doctors use prescription abbreviations (based on Latin words) that tell your pharmacist which medication to give you and directions on how to use that medication. ‘He already has cashed a $6.5 mil bonus check, and he is scheduled to make $24.5 mil over the next five years (which will seem like 10 to a Lions fan).’ ‘Jeter signed a 10-year contract worth $18.9 million annually, so that $18.9 mil figure would be included in the MLBPA's calculations.’ curie (Ci) [ku´re] a unit of radioactivity, defined as the quantity of any radioactive nuclide in which the number of disintegrations per second is 3.700 × 1010. Miller Créé et maintenu par Christine Pasqualini, codeuse médicale aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève.
This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical… Abbreviation for: macrophage-rich magnetic resonance (Medspeak-UK) maintenance ratio mandelate racemase mannose resistant manual removal maximum response measles, rubella medial rectus median ramus (see there) medical record medical representative mens rea mental retardation (Medspeak-UK) metabolic rate (see there) methacholine response milrinone Looking for the definition of MILA? Find out what is the full meaning of MILA on! 'Merritt Island Launching Area' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. MIL in Medical. 1. MIL. Material of Institute Lavoisier.
26 maj 2016 — Göteborg ligger 50 mil sydväst om Stockholm, på Sveriges västkust. Text messaging abbreviations ja = jag mkt = mycket oxå = också me = med 3vligt (11) Pia hade – ju läst Pia had read medicine in Lund, of course.
Mitochondrial, Disorder, Health. 1. MIL: Mutual-Injection Locking: MIL: Member of the Institute of Linguists: MIL: Mapuche International Link (UK) MIL: Marine Industries Ltd. MIL: Manulife International, Ltd. (various locations) MIL: Monetary Instrument Log (banking) MIL: Management Information Library: MIL: Meat Import Law: MIL: Master Inventory List: MIL: Main Incidents List: MIL: Multipoint Indication - Loop: MIL M/S milestone MA maintenance action MAC maintenance allocation chart MAC maintenance action code MAC mean aerodynamic center MAC military airlift command MAC months after contract (award) MAD magnetic anomaly detection (asw) MAF maintenance action form MAG magnetictmtmarine air group MAG marine air group MAGW maximum alternate gross weight MAINT maintenance MALS marine air logistics squadron MALS medium-intensity approach light system MAMDT mean active maintenance downtime MAN manual MAOT BOHICA – Bend Over Here It Comes Again (U.S.
List of medical abbreviations: Latin abbreviations. The main discussion of these abbreviations in the context of drug prescriptions and other medical prescriptions is at List of abbreviations used in medical prescriptions. Some of these abbreviations are best not used, as marked and explained here . Abbrev. q.
Parenting, Social Network, … List of medical abbreviations: Latin abbreviations. The main discussion of these abbreviations in the context of drug prescriptions and other medical prescriptions is at List of abbreviations used in medical prescriptions. Some of these abbreviations are best not used, as marked and explained here . Abbrev. q. MIL-STD-12D, MILITARY STANDARD: ABBREVIATIONS FOR USE ON DRAWINGS, AND IN SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS (29 MAY 1981) [S/S BY ASME Y14.38M]., The terms and abbreviations in this standard are limited to those commonly used on drawings, and in specifications, standards, and technical documents. 2019-07-25 MEDEVAC – Medical Evacuation; MEF – Marine Expeditionary Force; MENS – Mission Element Need Statement (US) MEP – Modular Explosive Penetrator; MEPS – Military Entrance Processing Station; METO – Middle East Treaty Organisation; CENTO or Baghdad Pact; METL – Mission Essential Task List Man-in-the-Loop.
1 Dec 2016 This issuance: The MIL-STD-1691, best defined as an Interface Standard in The medical equipment program to this level of detail short acronym or term used to identify responsibility of Government and Contractor. 16 Mar 2019 shortformsMedical abbreviation list Medical short term listMost common medical abbreviationsMost common medical short termsPharmacology
3 Jun 2019 Check the information on the abbreviation MLC (Medicolegal Cases) MLCs are an integral part of medical practice that is frequently encountered by by law enforcement agencies (and also superior military authorities)
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AMSI, Associate Member, Securities Institute. 23 Sep 2020 List of airport-related acronyms and abbreviations used in FAA documents. Does not provide airport BASOP — Military Base Operations.
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Maternally Inherited Leigh's Syndrome. showing only Science & Medicine definitions ( show all 8 definitions) Note: We have 17 other definitions for MILS in our Acronym Attic. new search.
I’m looking for the meaning of “mil”? The abbreviation mil (French) means “mil… Here’s a list of examples and english translations for mil.